Sunrise near Izu Oshima, Japan

Aerial View of Kawazu 河津桜堤の鳥瞰

Rough Surf at Maiso Beach

Sotoura Rocky-shore 6:20 PM [Explore]

Cerasus lannesiana Carrière, Sakura in Kawazu 河津の桜, Shizuoka, Japan

Amagi Highlands 360-Degree View at Night September 2018

Jōren No Taki / Joren Falls, Izu, Shizuoka, Japan 浄蓮の滝 静岡

Waterfall "初景滝 Shokeidaru", Kawazu-cho, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan

Our One Life Together

Cerasus lannesiana Carrière, Sakura in Kawazu 河津の桜, Shizuoka, Japan

a view of top of the park

下田 茶屋

The End of Phantasm

Jōren No Taki / Joren Falls, Izu, Shizuoka, Japan 浄蓮の滝 静岡

Negai Ishi, "Wishing Rock", Kawazu, Shizuoka, Japan

A view of the 2012 Kawazu Zakura

21P / Giacobini-Zinner in Gemini September 16, 2018

Cerasus lannesiana Carrière, Sakura in Kawazu 河津の桜, Shizuoka, Japan

21P / Giacobini-Zinner in Gemini with Sigma 105mmF1.4 DG HSM Art September 16, 2018

Amagi 360-degree View at Night February 2018

21P / Giacobini-Zinner in Gemini September 16, 2018 Single Step Long Exposure Version

Ryugu Sea Cave

Sunrise at Floral Field 菜の花畑の日の出

Aloe blooming seashore,アロエの花咲く海辺

滝鱗 / Scale of Waterfall

Ryushi waterfall

青凪 / Blue reflect of a calm beach


丘を越えて / Over a hill

Maiso-beach in Autumn [Explore]

Twilight Waves at Maiso Beach [Explore]

Port of Shimoda

Paradise Beach in Early Summer [Explore]

Shimoda port

Moonlight and riverside cherry trees [Explore]

Playing the Banjo


Faro Tsumekizaki (爪木埼灯台)