Milky Way Over The Minokake-Rocks [Explore]

Senganmon with Fuji

Winter Dusk at Minokakeiwa-islets [Explore]

First Star and Senganmon [Explore]

Starlit Sky In Senganmon [Explore]

Senganmon South-side Sunset [Explore]

Going Away Storm - Sunset at Minokakeiwa [Explore]

Sunset In Shower

panorama view at Cape Irōzaki

Sunset at Hydrangea Hills 2015 [Explore]

家政婦は見た! 的なw

下田 茶屋

Stormy Rock Gate Senganmon [Explore]

Dusk at Oze Rocky shore [Explore]

Sotoura Rocky-shore 6:20 PM [Explore]

Our One Life Together

Great Swing at Dusk. @伊豆下田

Mt Eboshi 雲見・烏帽子山

Copper Sea, Purple Clouds ブロンズの海と紫雲

Mountain views

石廊崎 (最南端から) (Irohzaki, view from the cliff)

My favorite small beach [Explore]

Spring from Southward

Moonrise And Starlit Sky At Minokakeiwa [Explore]

When You Wish

Moonlight in Minokakeiwa [Explore]

Make Her Stay

Dusk Waves on Minokakeiwa II [Explore]

Bonsai Rocks of Minokakeiwa

Stormy Surf at Minokake-rocks [Explore]

Fishing with Fujisan

Rock Gate Senganmon - Feb 2015 [Explore]

Sunrise at Floral Field 菜の花畑の日の出

Rough Sea and Mt Fuji - II [Explore]

Great Surf Rush at Minokakeiwa [Explore]

Stormy Sunset at Cape Okuirou [Explore]

Paradise Beach in Early Summer [Explore]