Nevers, ça me botte...


Albert Drachkovitch Thomas | Painter [FUJI X-PRO1]

What lies behind?

Loire #2

Nevers (Nièvre)

Ducal Palace

Nevers - 22

double single

view from school's courtyard, nevers France

panorama view - Frozen Lake

Wintering Trees

vg view

GT Cup race

Magny Cours pit lane

GT Cup crash

GT Cup race

GT Cup race

View from the stand

GT Cup race

GT Cup race

Bec d'Allier Sunset

Sunflower !

Fog on city

Walk straight

Architecture library

Florida turtle in the Loire river

Couple in fog

Road in fog

SNCF bridge

Abandonné à l'hiver...

After the rain comes the good weather

Facing the sun

Le canal de dérivation de la rivière Nièvre

Nevers by train

La rivière Nièvre

Canal de dérivation de la rivière Nièvre

La rivière Nièvre

La rivière Nièvre #44

Nevers : la Loire au pont de Loire en été

La rivière Nièvre

La rivière Nièvre