Louisville Skyline | 28 Jan 2014

Torso - David Ashley

Baltimore Oriole (Northern Oriole)

Downtown Louisville, KY

shawn - mask

Louisville Skyline at dusk

National Register Of Historic Places

Fossil Beds

Falls of the Ohio Park and Bridge

2018-05-19 1925.1 LIRC 2304 Jeff Yard, Jeffersonville, IN

88b102: Betty June Walker upbound in Portland Canal at Conrail Bridge lift span

a cruise with a view

Falls of the Ohio Park and Bridge

Waking Up to the 'Ville

Overlooking I-64 and the Ohio River

The view

Through The Branches


Something Old, Something New

"Belle of Louisville" 's Paddles

Louisville in the morning

Falls of the Ohio State Park

Tuscan Lily

Black and White Tentacles

Candy Cane Flowers

Lightning over Louisville

Cosmic Comet Flower

9 Sep 2014 | Louisville

Dragon Plant - 01 Teleidoscope

Happy Purple Pods!

Dream Light

Edge of Glory

Sunlight Kisses

Louisville Kentucky

Coral Forest

Liar's Tongue

Grow a little Sunshine

Emerald Light

Loop Island Pond

Leaves of Light

Ohio River at the Falls
