Torso - David Ashley

shawn - mask

National Register Of Historic Places


Parkland Public School

Rusting Away

the forgotten lot

Opportunity Portal- full view

All American City

Pleasant Morning


summer sunset

68/365 Fire Water

Sunset Outside Corydon

76/365 Spring Stinger

stencil under the overpass

Floyd Knobs, Indiana

Waking Up to the 'Ville

Floyd Knobs, Indiana

Reisz Furniture

sun down

Tuscan Lily

Clouds of Glory

David-young-sherlock - v2

Black and White Tentacles

Dragon Plant - 01 Teleidoscope

Dream Light

Liar's Tongue

Emerald Light

Coming out of the Dark




Black Berries and Northern Lights

Lost Land

Pink Jellyfish Plant - A Fairytale

Toward valu.

Petals Gone Wild!

Ring around the Rose