"There's nothing you can make that can't be made" - view from Illinizas - Ecuador
Cotopaxi / Illiniza panorama – Ecuador
Ecuador 2014
An almost-perfect view
And look at the view from your balcony
Rumiñahui Volcano
Panoramic view of the Illiniza Twins (5.248 m and 5.126 m)
Volcán Cotopaxi at 5,897 meters (19,347 feet) above sea level, Parque Nacinal Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Ecuador.
The Illinizas, the Avenue of the Volcanos at 3,860 meters (12,664 ft) MSL, Los Illinizas Ecological Reserve, Mejía, Ecuador.
S'élever au-dessus du monde.
Au loin, l'Antisana.
Cotopaxi Volcano
Iliniza Norte
Cotopaxi volcano resting
"We won't ever touch the ground" - Illinizas Mount - Ecuador
"By myself but not alone" - Illinizas Mount - Ecuador
The Illinizas, the Avenue of the Volcanos at 3,860 meters (12,664 ft) MSL, Mejía, Ecuador.
"You've been starring in my dreams" - Illinizas Mount - Ecuador
"Life's gotta always be messing with me" - Volcano Cotopaxi from Illinizas - Ecuador
Volcano Cotopaxi from Illinizas - Ecuador
"I wanna hold your hand" - Illinizas Mount - Ecuador
Path to light.
Ruta avenida de los volcanes Ecuador 09
Illinizas Mount - Ecuador
"Talk without speaking. Scream without raising your voice" - Volcano Cotopaxi from Illinizas - Ecuador
Ecuador - Approaching Volcan Cotopaxi