Downhill Mountain Biking on Cotopaxi Volcano at 3,857 meters (12,654 ft), Park in Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

Cotopaxi is an active stratovolcano at 4,620 meters (15,157 ft), Park in Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

Downhill Mountain Biking on Cotopaxi Volcano at 4,620 meters (15,157 ft) above sea level, Park in Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

Downhill Mountain Biking on Cotopaxi Volcano at 4,170 meters (13,681 ft), Park in Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

Cotopaxi is an active stratovolcano at 4,620 meters (15,157 ft) above sea level, Park in Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

Downhill Mountain Biking on Cotopaxi Volcano at 4,520 meters (14,829 ft) above sea level, Park in Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

Passage (Cotopaxy, Ecuador. Gustavo Thomas © 2017)

GREATER YELLOWLEGS Tringa melanoleuca Wading in Laguna Limpiopungo at Volcán Cotopaxi in Northern Ecuador. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

PLUMBEOUS SIERRA-FINCH Male Geospizopsis unicolor in the Wind at Volcán Cotopaxi in Northern Ecuador. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Cloud Shadows From Cotopaxi

ANDEAN LAPWING Vanellus resplendens with Wings Spread at Volcán Cotopaxi in ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

CHESTNUT-WINGED CINCLODES Cinclodes albidiventris Foraging in the Paramo of Volcán Cotopaxi in Northern Ecuador. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

ANDEAN LAPWING Vanellus resplendens Pair Landing by the Laguna de Limpiopungo on Volcán Cotopaxi in ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER Calidris subruficollis at Volcán Cotopaxi in Northern Ecuador. 2002 Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Ecuador, Cotopaxi P9090187

Butoh Improvisation in Front Of Cotopaxi Volcano (Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Gustavo Thomas © 2017)

LESSER YELLOWLEGS Tringa flavipes Running at Laguna Limpiopungo at Volcán Cotopaxi in Northern Ecuador. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

LESSER YELLOWLEGS Tringa flavipes Walking Beside Laguna Limpiopungo at Volcán Cotopaxi in Northern Ecuador. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

STOUT-BILLED CINCLODES Cinclodes excelsior Stepping in the Paramo of Volcán Cotopaxi in Northern Ecuador. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

ANDEAN LAPWING Vanellus resplendens Flying over the Laguna de Limpiopungo on Volcán Cotopaxi in ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

STOUT-BILLED CINCLODES Cinclodes excelsior Foraging in the Paramo of Volcán Cotopaxi in Northern Ecuador. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Volcán Cotopaxi at 5,897 meters (19,347 feet) above sea level, Parque Nacinal Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Ecuador.

Sincholagua volcano at sunset

The Illinizas, the Avenue of the Volcanos at 3,860 meters (12,664 ft) MSL, Mejía, Ecuador.

Stormy Ruminahui sunset

The Illinizas, the Avenue of the Volcanos at 3,860 meters (12,664 ft) MSL, Los Illinizas Ecological Reserve, Mejía, Ecuador.

Cotopaxi is an active stratovolcano at 4,620 meters (15,157 ft), Park in Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

Volcán Cotopaxi

Parque Nacional Cotopaxi Ecuador 01

Cotopaxi volcano & wild horses

Ecuador - Approaching Volcan Cotopaxi

View from the Cotopaxi - Ecuador

Riding Lava

Cotopaxi: la persévérance, la surprise, le rêve

Molinuco waterfall

Cotopaxi volcano resting

Straight A