Longhorn Grill

#1 Company in the #2 Business

Cloudscape over the Santa Rita Mountains

Sunrise Over the Santa Ritas

female Blue-eyed Darner (Aeshna multicolor)

environmental suits

control room

Sonoran Sunset

Titan II Missile Museum

View from the Ridge

Outside: The Titan II Missile

backyard view

Madera Bridge

Buff-collared Nightjar - Pima County, AZ

Titan Missile: View from inside the silo

Level 8: Blast Deflector

Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber)

Level 7: Blast Deflector From Above

Robberfly ovipositing

Plain-capped Starthroat

matchy matchy, part 2

Aerial View of Arizona

Sunset Rainbow

Elephant Head #01

Mt Hopkins Rd, Amado - AZ

Mt Hopkins Rd, Amado - AZ

Storm Clouds


Elephant Head #03

Hidden falls, Madera Canyon

Arizona Sunset

Dallas D - Madera Canyon #271_pp c

Dallas D - Madera Canyon #271_pp

The Pool at Cactus Camp

Dallas D - Madera Canyon #267

Rainy End #26

Madera Canyon from Green Valley, AZ