Longhorn Grill


#1 Company in the #2 Business

2020 Super Pink Moon (3 of 4)

2020 Super Pink Moon (1 of 4)

2020 Super Pink Moon (2 of 4)

Robberfly ovipositing

female Blue-eyed Darner (Aeshna multicolor)

environmental suits


2020 Super Pink Moon (4 of 4)

White-throated Thrush (Turdus assimilis)

Sonoran Sunset

holga. titan missile silo. sahuarita, az. 1999.

control room

Titan Missile: View from inside the silo

Outside: The Titan II Missile

Missile Hatch with Radar Trip Wires and Viewing Deck

Buff-collared Nightjar - Pima County, AZ

holga. titan missile silo. sahuarita, az. 1999.

holga. titan missile silo. sahuarita, az. 1999.

Sunset Rainbow

Mi Saguaro

Storm Clouds

Angela Marie Madera Canyon 5 17 15 209_pp

Cat F 268_pp

Cactus flower (2 of 3)

Not natural - tailings dump, Duval/Sierrita copper mine, Green Valley, Sahuarita, Arizona

Emmy D 006_pp


Anecia Z 031_pp

Emmy D 005_pp

Emmy D 024_pp

Arizona Sunset

View from the Ridge

Hidden falls, Madera Canyon

Madera Canyon Snow

Descent from Elephant Head

Snow on the Santa Ritas

Quail egg surprise

Arizona Winter