Tucked Away

Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)

Spotlight on Cedar Pond...

Wild Turkey

Beautiful view driving through Land Between the lakes on a drizzly morning. Pumped to be speaking at Calloway County Under the Bar Strength Seminar.

Cars & buffalo mingle on park road

Enter the Prairie

the road goes on forever and the story never ends

Pushing gold...

Canton Bend

Florida to Alaska on Bicycle (#24) May 13, 1997: American Bison (Buffalo)

Bison bath...

Autumn hints

Bull Elk

Elk herd

Henry R. Lawrence Memorial Bridge + the Killian L. Huger

Quiet places

After the rain...

Between chores

In the Golden Light

Good Morning From Energy Lake

Morning Has Broken

Two Herons

Fall Reflectiions

Elk & Bison Prairie - Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, Golden Pond, Kentucky

Peek a boo!