Low Clouds at Trinity River [03.31.13]

House Wren (Troglodytes aedon)

Ironside Mountain [03.31.13]

Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina)

Kids looking at aquaria with amphibians and aquatic insects during Kid's Fishing Derby

Camp Kimtu UFO, Willow Cr., Ca

Camp Kimtu, Willow Cr., Ca

Camp Kimtu, Willow Cr., Ca

Camp Kimtu, Willow Cr., Ca

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1691_willowcreek09_090716_S5Pro_Willow Creek

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View from the office today.

Six Rivers National Forest [03.31.13]

Six Rivers National Forest [03.31.13]

Ironside Mountain [03.31.13]

Highway 299 [03.31.13]

Highway 299 [03.31.13]

frog on the Trinity

New River [03.31.13]

New River [03.31.13]

Six Rivers National Forest [03.31.13]

Trinity River

2009 Cali Road Trip - 188

Rocks [03.31.13]

Trinity River [03.31.13]

Megan w/ the Six Rivers National Forest Sign [03.31.13]

Magic Behind a Mountain

clear Trinity water

Still lovely in Willow Creek. 11-12-13.

Spring, Humboldt County, CA, May 2014