Beautiful old Leyland bus, front view

First (phone) contact

bug view

Sherwood - front view

BBB - back view

Moggy LHD conversion

General view of the site

A view of the garden in winter

1947 Jaguar MK IV, rear view

A view of spring

A view of the house, from the garden

Ford Anglia - interior view

General view with our taxis in the middle

A view of the Logis de la Chabotterie

A view of the passage between the two houses

Pikachu on the apple tree (4)

A view of the garden in summer

General view of the site

B/W street view

General view of the building site

General view

La Chabotterie

filles du ciel.....daughters of heaven .....

november has come

Ferme du Petit Plessis

La Roche-sur-Yon


Vendean Sunset 1

Parc et château de Beaupuy

La Rivière verte

Saint-Sulpice-le-Verdon - Logis de la Chabotterie - Le lavoir

Place Napoléon de La Roche-sur-Yon dans les brumes au matin

c'est moi le plus beau.....I'm the most beautiful .....


La Roche-sur-Yon - Reflet de l'église Saint-Louis sur le bassin aux grenouilles


peinture nuageuse....cloud painting ....

Zorro est passé par là.....Zorro's been there .....

Les Terres Noires

Belleville-sur-Vie (Vendée), ruines de l'ancienne église paroissiale (15)

La Roche-sur-Yon - Vendée - France

Vendean Sunset 2