First (phone) contact

View of the street after a hailstorm

Beautiful old Leyland bus, front view

bug view

Sherwood - front view

BBB - back view

Moggy LHD conversion

General view of the site

A view of the garden in winter

1947 Jaguar MK IV, rear view

A view of spring

A view of the house, from the garden

Ford Anglia - interior view

General view with our taxis in the middle

A view of the Logis de la Chabotterie

A view of the passage between the two houses

Pikachu on the apple tree (4)

A view of the garden in summer

General view of the site

B/W street view

General view of the building site

La Chabotterie

filles du ciel.....daughters of heaven .....

c'est moi le plus beau.....I'm the most beautiful .....

Grenouilles volantes et église Saint Louis

november has come

Ferme du Petit Plessis

La Roche-sur-Yon


Vendean Sunset 1

Parc et château de Beaupuy

La Rivière verte

Saint-Sulpice-le-Verdon - Logis de la Chabotterie - Le lavoir

Place Napoléon de La Roche-sur-Yon dans les brumes au matin


La Roche-sur-Yon - Reflet de l'église Saint-Louis sur le bassin aux grenouilles


peinture nuageuse....cloud painting ....

Zorro est passé par là.....Zorro's been there .....

Les Terres Noires

Belleville-sur-Vie (Vendée), ruines de l'ancienne église paroissiale (15)

La Roche-sur-Yon - Vendée - France