19 - April 25 2017 | Calm After The ...

Twin Lakes, View

Okoy River

#twinlakes #balinsasayao #balinsasayaotwinlakes #NegrosOriental #Philippines #sundaysbest

road trip philippines

Mangrove at Lawton

Lake Balinsasayao Sights

Palaypay Falls, Pamplona, Negros Oriental, PH

Location: Lake Balinsasayao, Negros Oriental Thanks for the favourable weather yesterday Lord and the absent of fog. The serene beauty of the lake standout! #mytravelgram #travel #traveladdict #travelgram #lake #lakes #colors #ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines

There stands the baka nga nagpa landong ????????

In da Bukid ????????????

Lake Kabalin-an

Negros -> Cebu.

Balinsasayao Twin Lakes Sibulan Negros Oriental Philippines

Pulang Bato Water Falls Negros Oriental Philippines

