Templo de Vésone (Perigueux, Francia, 1-5-2009)

Castillo Barrière (Perigueux, Francia, 1-5-2009)

Templo de Vésone (Périgueux, Francia, 1-5-2009)

Anfiteatro (Périgueux, Francia, 1-5-2009)

Puerta (Périgueux, Francia, 1-5-2009)

A view down the Rue Eguillerie at Perigueux

Périgueux: a street in the old part of town 2

Périgueux (Francia, 1-5-2009)

Backside of the Saint-Front, Perigueux

South of France - a street in old Périgueux

Mosaic of Stained Glass

The cathedral 3D

Périgueux: a street in the old part of town 2(b&w)


View from the scaffolding

View to Bourrou with Bullrushes

Second floor view to the back garden

Long view of the walk to the big pond (which is a real mess)

The neighbours have returned the washing machine which has done the rounds for the past four years

End of the road or back to nature?...

Périgueux: a street in the old part of town

Mensignac Sunset

The big and the small one in the mist

c o w s t o r m


c o w s t o r m (remastered)

There's lots of green at Perigueux

Walk in the wood

Stalactites de glace

Walk in the wood

La torre romana de Vesunna, Périgueux

France 2016

Orchis pyramidal (Anacamptis pyramidalis)

Bullrushes and our little wind generators

Another hugelkultur bed

papillon porte-queue - Flambé (Iphiclides podalirius) - butterfly - macro -

Another path takes shape

Mulching the new part of the garden after the rain in March

Swale contour cross field 2

Angora goats in the woods - our garden looked like this

Profil de syrphe