Périgueux: a street in the old part of town 2

South of France - a street in old Périgueux

Backside of the Saint-Front, Perigueux

Périgueux: a street in the old part of town 2(b&w)

Mosaic of Stained Glass

Périgueux: a street in the old part of town

End of the road

End of the road or back to nature?...

View from the scaffolding


side view of onion bed first year after swale

View to Bourrou with Bullrushes

The neighbours have returned the washing machine which has done the rounds for the past four years

view of Périgueux cathedral - CB140132

A09 Périgueux, 1967

Second floor view to the back garden

Long view of the walk to the big pond (which is a real mess)

View from south

View from the south looking up the hill

La Vigerie Basse

View from Bedroom to East

Mensignac Sunset

papillon porte-queue - Flambé (Iphiclides podalirius) - butterfly - macro -

bourdon sur lavande - bee - macro -

papillon porte-queue - Flambé (Iphiclides podalirius) - butterfly - macro -


papillon porte-queue - Flambé (Iphiclides podalirius) - butterfly - macro -

#afternoon #crépuscule #sunset #campagne #france #summer #dordogne #perigord #saintvictor #vacation #vacances #free

papillon - butterfly - macro -

Another path takes shape

Another hugelkultur bed

La torre romana de Vesunna, Périgueux

Périgueux 2

Pumpkins growing in a hugelkultur pile with a lot of wool incorporated into the mulch

Neighbouring fields

Abeille dans les oranges

2013-08-09 18.26.08-1

fleur après la pluie - macro-

Gouttes de miel

Profil de syrphe

Caravan path with roots as edging

papillon - butterfly - macro -