Lady blue

stand aside

Scherwiller (03)

Ebersmunster (13)

*Vogesenblick* - *Vosges view*

the grape harvest is finished

Scherwiller (04)

Scherwiller (02)

Town view

Ebersmunster (09)

shorter days

Vogesenblick- View in the Vosges

The view over the vineyards, the Rhine Valley to the Vosges

race: a lead of about 5m

Ebersmunster (07)


Ebersmunster (08)

Ausblick vom Matterhorn Blitz

Sélestat - Alsace - France

Gulliver’s Travels

Ebersmunster (12)

Golden Morning

Little chapel

The yellow plain

Autumn Line

Behind the window

The bad weather comes from the right

Epis de blé

Way of cross


Riegeler Lofts

The White Way

The storm is coming

Sunday promenade

Dark chapel

The dark door

Some lines...

The dark house

During the Sunrise

La Plaine

Early morning dust on a cold winter day