Lady blue

stand aside

"It's strange to wander in the fog ..."

*Vogesenblick* - *Vosges view*

the grape harvest is finished

raised eyebrows

shorter days

distant horror

ground fog

Vogesenblick- View in the Vosges

Kissing under mistletoe - faktor 13

The view over the vineyards, the Rhine Valley to the Vosges

race: a lead of about 5m


Ausblick vom Matterhorn Blitz

Gulliver’s Travels

"la grande bouffe"

the bridge of ...

Colorful fields

Rest bench with a view over the vineyard

misty mountains

Hochburg / Stronghold

The bad weather comes from the right

Epis de blé

Way of cross

Riegeler Lofts

The White Way

The storm is coming

Some lines...

height difference: 1000 meters - lost in reverie

Weideschweine / pasture pigs

During the Sunrise

Summer Hills

Early morning dust on a cold winter day

Cold Fire


on approach

The separation

Mondhalde final

Power of nature