MILL 054

Greensburg Square Looking North

Stranger 17: Len

Like a pastel painting

Indian Ridge Campground, Campbellsville, KY

Indian Ridge Campground, Campbellsville, KY

Your charms are not wasted on me

The sun erupts

Spinning Wheel

The straight and narrow, Kentucky-style

Indian Ridge Campground, Campbellsville, KY

It reminds me of the day we met

Pinwheel of the sun

L&N Train Depot, Greensburg, KY

Feed barn cafe & market

Greensburg, how bright your lights shine on Kentucky

Home of Kentucky emancipationist David Rice

Old Greensburg depot

Green County Courthouse Detail (Greensburg, Kentucky)

Green County Courthouse (Greensburg, Kentucky)

Green County Judicial Center (Greensburg, Kentucky)

Green County Judicial Center (Greensburg, Kentucky)

Green County Courthouse (Greensburg, Kentucky)