Greensburg Square Looking South

Greensburg Square Looking North

MILL 054

Like a pastel painting

Stranger 17: Len

Indian Ridge Campground, Campbellsville, KY

Indian Ridge Campground, Campbellsville, KY

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

Old barn

'Henry, made in America or not at all'

From the farm to eternity

L&N Greensburg Depot, Greensburg,KY 7/13/2020

Greene County War Memorial - Greensburg, KY

Roller coaster farming blues

Feeling an eery sense of being watched, a groundhog props up

Old Green County Courthouse - Greensburg, KY

Red barn and tractor

Flyover country

Strange town names: Black Gnat, Kentucky

Star trails over a barn

Kid drinks from nanny's teat

L&N Train Depot, Greensburg, KY

Ky. Head Hunters

Greensburg, how bright your lights shine on Kentucky

Home of Kentucky emancipationist David Rice

Old Greensburg depot