Tricolored Heron Profile...

View from St. Augustine Light

Ponce de Leon Dining Room

St. Augustine Fl Sunrise - The Morning After

Great Egret in breeding plumage

[145/365] Night Lights

Little Cabin

Dawn Light

St. Augustine, Numbers 6:24-26

[30/365] Full Wolf Moon

Dow House ~ 1839

Memorial Presbyterian Church, St. Augustine

Great Egret in Flight - St. Augustine Fl

[42/365] A Gigantic Masterpiece

The Whispering Wall

One Sushi Coming Right Up!

St. Augustine Lighthouse_IMG_2923

Green, Orange and Blue

drifting on daydreams

Soon to go...

St. Augustine, Psalm 27:1

Riverside Blues [explored]

[255/365] Morning Glowy

St. Augustin - 09


Rise and Shine

Vilano Beach Bridge

World Golf Village, Isaiah 40:8

Sunrise At The Castillo

In the exact moment ⚡ ☁

St. Augustine, Proverbs 14:22

St. Augustine Sunset

Red Pancake

The beach

Vilano Beach Pier

Vilano Beach, Habakkuk 2:14

DSCF6623 st augustin

Sunrise at Castillo de San Marcos