The Corner of Cedar and Roberts


Caddell's Cafe, Corner Endor and Carthage Streets, Sanford, N.C. On U.S. Highways

Image from page 257 of "Annual report of the Board of Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks for the year ending .." (1871)

Night in Sanford, NC

Image from page 421 of "The Rhododendron [serial]" (1922)

Image from page 32 of "Noua iconologia di Cesare Ripa perugino, caualier de SS. Mauritio & Lazzaro. Nella quale si descriuono diuerse imagini di virtù, vitij, affetti, passioni humane, arti, discipline, humori, elementi, corpi celesti, prouincie d'Italia,

land's end (see map)

DSC_3443 Plain View Fundraiser

Image from page 421 of "Illustrirtes Konversations-Lexikon; vergleichendes Nachschlagebuch für den täglichen Gebrauch. Hausschatz für das deutsche Volk und "Orbis pictus" für die studirende Jugend" (1870)

Comfortably Numb

Snowing At Linville Gorge

Blue Ridge Parkway Mile 421, North Carolina

Chilie - Easter Island - Views from the highest point - 421

Wildflowers blooming on U.S. 421 at the Liberty exit in Randolph County

Xmas Tree Farm off 421