Road Trip: Santa Fe Wagon Wheel Ruts

Road Trip: Santa Fe Wagon Wheel Ruts

Road Trip: Santa Fe Wagon Wheel Ruts

Wagon Wheel Ruts Though WesternKansas

Kansas Supercell Death

Wispy Lightning

Santa Fe Trail Tracks

Biker getting the hell outta Dodge

Santa Fe Trail Tracks

Santa Fe Trail Tracks

wheat stubble to the sky

ZoneTag Photo Tuesday 7:30 pm 7/15/08 Ingalls, Kansas

behind the cemetery

Prärie bei Dodoge City

Santa Fe Trail Ruts- Ford Co KS (4)

Santa Fe Trail Ruts- Ford Co KS (5)

ZoneTag Photo Wednesday 11:36 am 7/16/08 Cimarron, Kansas

Santa Fe Trail and Soule's Ditch

Manifest Destiny

Santa Fe Trail

A roadside historical marker with ruts from the Santa Fe trail in Kansas