2015-03-01 08.33.10

Haunted House Entrance

Anybody Pass Through Here Lately?

Study in Decay

2015-03-01 08.33.23

2013-03-24 11.13.05

Sew what??

Interior View of the Mystery Bus...

2013-03-24 11.14.37

Exterior view....what is THIS all about?

A parting shot

2013-03-24 11.14.34

2013-03-24 11.15.06

2013-03-24 11.15.35


2013-03-24 11.12.47

Franklin County Courthouse (Ottawa, Kansas)

2015-03-01 18.05.26

Back To The Future

2014-03-29 10.48.06

2014-07-20 18.23.39

Clouds galore

2013-03-24 11.14.46

2013-03-24 11.16.13

2013-03-24 11.15.58

Final Eclipse

2013-03-24 11.14.52

I-35 Eastbound, Homewood, KS


Radient Star Variation

2015-03-01 18.26.29

near B N Junction, KS, United States

2014-07-31 19.17.47

2013-02-21 17.08.30

2013-02-21 17.08.26

Corn and Beans