Another Day in Paradise

Rod & Reel Pier after the rain ( alternative version @10mm )

Pair of Osprey In Flight Refueling

Snowy Egret preening at Ft DeSoto FL

Ft DeSoto Osprey Landing - Nest Building

Snowy Egret Inflight at Sunset

Osprey Eye to Eye Closeup

Pair of Osprey Mating

Osprey Takeoff

Royal Terns Exchanging the Fish

Osprey Landing at Sunset

Reddish Egret Fishing

Perched. Overseeing a celestial event.

White Ibis at Sunset

Willet Inflight

Osprey Foreplay

Spring Time Osprey Landing

Bradenton, Florida

Pair of Osprey on Nest

Tricolor, Avedon style. View large

Yellow crowned night heron

Bradenton City Pier

Skyway Sunrise

Sunrise at the City Pier


Manatee River Sunset

Florida Explorations

Fort DeSoto Sunset

Gulf Coast Sunset

Anna Maria Island Sunset

Anna Maria Island - City Pier

Anna Maria City Pier before the storm

Gulf of Mexico Sunset

Manatee River Sunset

Alien Squared

Morning Sea Fog

Morning meditation

Palmetto and Bradenton Panorama

We Are Never Alone

Today's sunset on Anna Maria Island

Emerson Point Sunset