eye candy bar

Good Things Come In Threes

KD's World Tour: That's it!

Flickr is a search engine

D34403 Donna, Jackie, and Nikki

D34398 Kelsey and the Girls!

Flickr 75M

South Mountain Park/Preserve

50 million views

CD Album Art - Phoenix Arizona - dee jay - DJ's Band

Cactus Sunset

Our future?

Spiderman and Froggie's lunch is about to be rudely disrupted

Main Street #16: Dollar Store

sun-kissed Phoenix

Surface of the sun

10 million!

Only in Arizona - Anticrepuscular dreams

boeing vc-25a "air force one"

I'm inside that shadow... 20150209_5828

Overlooking the Valley of the Sun

Last Light

Scorpion Gulch, Arizona

Phoenix South Mountain Park, Arizona

Scorpion Gulch

Near symmetry

Dobbins Lookout

Their Bones Felt Like They Were Made Of Ice

Sunset tonight from the National trail at South Mountain Park, one of the largest municipal parks in the country at 16,000+ acres.

Where City Meets Desert

Gila River Indian Reservation

Imagination Will Often Carry Us To Worlds That Never Were

Three Hipstamatic desert landscapes

Abstract landscape

African daisies

Darkness Falling, Phoenix, AZ

Keyhole Clouds

Stranger on the Trail

South Mountain Park/Preserve

Sonoran Honey in the Making

Golf Course, Phoenix Arizona