20170728 View of Phoenix from the South Mountain City Park

Street Art Mural: Aerial View of Bicyclist & Whimsical Colorful Background, Tempe, Arizona


Cobalt Blue Water

Her Majesty The Bridge

Tempe Bridge

Macro, Woven Basket

Bonnie and Clyde's Wedding

Rolling West Into The Night

Beware: Flickr Contact Spammers!

Sunset Bridge in Tempe

Only in Arizona - Anticrepuscular dreams

Tempe Arizona, USA

Overlooking the Valley of the Sun

Phoenix Arizona - 7354

Mountain Grazers

Smokey Sunset

The View

Sol Seat

First Light Under the Freeway

Work 46

Sometimes when taking long exposure shots on a public mountain trail people with lights strapped to their head walk into your shot.

Christmas #46 - Self-organizing seismographs

Christmas #43 - Diagonal flow

Big Sky from South Mountain

Neopolitan Desert

Darkness Falling, Phoenix, AZ

Oz Is Just Beyond The Poppy Field

Orbitals in Motion

Phoenix, Arizona. 12.29.11.

Three Hipstamatic desert landscapes

Downtown Downpour

Rugged landscapes

Gila River Indian Reservation

South Mountains, Phoenix

Welcome to Arizona state, where is Grand Canyon with desert and huge cactus????

#southmountain #phoenix #hiking #sunnyday