Domaine Tomali-Maniatyn, B&B lightens up for a cloudy night

View from the top...

Le Relais

Knowlton, Québec

Foliage in Sutton - fall 2011

View from the veranda

Préférence MCI J4500 6750 front view

Cumulus stuck on one of Domaine Tomali-Maniatyn's gable

Breaking the clouds

2560x1600 YakAttack!

1024x768 planeur-glider

1024x768 YakAttack!

Préférence MCI J4500 6750 cockpit (high view)


Préférence MCI J4500 6750 lower panel view (parking brake)

Magical views like this always reawaken my love for riding.

DSC_5539 (Copy)

2560x1600 planeur-glider

Main Cabin Window View

Balles de foin et Mont Pinacle

Écoute les photons/Listen to the photons/Escucha los fotones

... for a Sunday Afternoon ~ A Whiter Shade of Pale !!!

Hiver québécois

winter sunlight reflection effect at dusk #2

L'hiver au Québec

Winter Scene in region of The Eastern Townships in Quebec, Canada

Icestorm in Quebec, Canada

Paysage québécois

Horses in Fall

Decelles Covered Bridge

Horses in the field

Lac Gale Lake

Tout partout/Here, there and everywhere/Sea donde sea

Round Barn in West Brome

Winter in Knowlton

Le pommier solitaire

Autumn in the Country

Horse in Fall

Le rouge et le blanc