Verbascum thapsus / Mullein / Tabac du diable

Feuilles de molène. L'an prochain la tige va apparaitre.

Mullein / Cowboy toilet paper / Verbascum thapsus

Verbascum thapsus / molène / mullein

Common mullein / verbascum thapsus

a view from the Petit Clocher

a view from the Petit Clocher #3

Down from the hills

Top hill view 2

Coucher de soleil

Harfang des neiges

Good morning ! ???? just woke up to this ❄️ view. We got some fresh snow during the night. Breakfast then walk in the #forest #love #winter #Peaceful #Meditation

Winter Sunset


Courant printanier

Top hill view 1

Take giant steps

Ste-Adèlefirstshots 018

Side view of my rented 2006 Dodge Caliber

Coucher de soleil

surveying the surroundings, nothing quite like the view from the top.

Abandoned Chapel


Old Barn

Its cold out there...

La saison d'été décline

skiing down the slope

Sous l'eau

2002-10-14 Autumn Panorama

Chanson d'automne

Coucher de soleil - Sunsetl

Monter, descendre, aller, venir

Mauvaise adresse

Mini mini

Laba Laba


Fly me to the Moon…


Octobre... bientôt.

L'amazone Québécoise

snowboarding at St. Sauveur Mount

Sunset Geese flight in V formation