Autumn's View

Its 5:45 am, do you know were your Geese are?

Mullein / Cowboy toilet paper / Verbascum thapsus

Verbascum thapsus / Mullein / Tabac du diable

Feuilles de molène. L'an prochain la tige va apparaitre.

Les Kodak DC20 et DC25 / front view

Les Kodak DC20 et DC25 / back view

Coucher de soleil

Courant printanier

Side view of my rented 2006 Dodge Caliber

Good morning ! ???? just woke up to this ❄️ view. We got some fresh snow during the night. Breakfast then walk in the #forest #love #winter #Peaceful #Meditation

Verbascum thapsus / molène / mullein

Harfang des neiges

Wilson Falls (side view)

Common mullein / verbascum thapsus


Lake Jérôme, view from the marsh

La Promenade de la rivière du Nord (The north entrance)

View from the Wilson Dam

Coucher de soleil

Dog sledding at Lac Morency

Through Hitchcock's eye

Its cold out there...

Brume d'automne

Mystic Morning

skiing down the slope

Monter, descendre, aller, venir

En devenir

Kodak Canon EOS-1 N DCS 5c (1997)

Sur la pointe des pieds

Beauté Naturel....

Old Barn

Sous l'eau

Ça brasse


Canon EOS D30 (2000)

Olympus E-10 (2000)

N°11 Kodak DCS 760


Petit frisson
