View from hotel terrasse

Monte Palace Garden View

The Central Market

Madeira: "the Island of flowers"

fiery spotted black

Point of view west of Funchal, Madeira

Down to the sea

The Gardens at Monte

*Madeira @ hike to Pico Ruivo*

600 m sous mes pieds

Pool with a view

Funchal harbor at night

Tibouchina ‘Peace Baby’ Flowers in Funchal Madeira (13)

weather forecast - mostly sunny, partly cloudy ...?

Spectators of the spectacle

Madeira - Curral das Freiras

Desde el pico do Arieiro (Madeira, Portugal, 2-7-2014)

Tall ship Sagres in Funchal Madeira 5

Madeira - Porto da Cruz

Sea of clouds - Pico do Arieiro, Madeira

Busy Lizzie Flowers in Funchal Madeira (8)

*Madeira @ Porto da Cruz*


Crowded ? Mosaic ?

Above the clouds

On the top

Hey! I'm up here....

The Lonely Tree, Ruvio Peak, Madeira

Sunrise at Pico do Ariero

Life in the hills


Three is Magic Number

Panoramic view from Pico Ruivo, Madeira

Untamed wilderness


Down in the valley

Curral das Freiras, Madeira

Vallée des Nonnes (Curral das Frias) (2)