View from hotel terrasse

Japanese Iris Flower in Funchal Madeira (3)

Bougainvillea Flowers in Funchal Madeira (20) at the top of a cliff

Tibouchina ‘Peace Baby’ Flowers in Funchal Madeira (13)

View to Santana

Look down!

Mary Christmas to all My Flickr Friends _1410

Madeira: "the Island of flowers"

The Gardens at Monte

Busy Lizzie Flowers in Funchal Madeira (8)

DSC_1519 Angels Trumpet Flower in Funchal Madeira

Casinha de Santana (Madeira, Portugal, 2-7-2014)

Pool with a view

Madeira Botanical Garden (10)

600 m sous mes pieds

weather forecast - mostly sunny, partly cloudy ...?

Madeira - Curral das Freiras

Sea of clouds - Pico do Arieiro, Madeira

Busy Lizzie Flowers in Funchal Madeira (9) Press Z on keyboard to see best zoomed in

Madeira - Porto da Cruz

Pico do Arieiro 1, Madeira

*Pico do Gato*

Desde el pico do Arieiro (Madeira, Portugal, 2-7-2014)


Crowded ? Mosaic ?

*Madeira @ Porto da Cruz*

Steps to the Rock

Sunrise at Pico do Ariero

Hey! I'm up here....

The Lonely Tree, Ruvio Peak, Madeira

Panorama of "Pico do Areeiro" at Madeira Island...

Madeira Feb/Mar 2019

Madeira Feb/Mar 2019

Islas Desertas

Madeira Feb/Mar 2019

Winston Churchill's perspective


Madeira Feb/Mar 2019