Baynes General Store (Black and White)
Hamer - 2
Baynes General Store - Black and White
Piedmont (IR)
Farm, Pond source of the Eno, Winter Hike Eno River 1516
Farm, Pond source of the Eno, Winter Hike Eno River 1508
Farm, Pond source of the Eno, Winter Hike Eno River 1517
Swamp Sparrow 20141116001086
Swamp Sparrow 20141116001085
Farm, Pond source of the Eno, Winter Hike Eno River 1515
Winter Hike Eno River 1500
Hyco Lake Campground at sunset
Cow and goats, Winter Hike Eno River 1514
Red House Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Red House, North Carolina
Azalea Landscaping
Cow and goats, Winter Hike Eno River 1512
Red House Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Red House, North Carolina
sunset over wilderose
Shafts of light in the trees
Early morning in camp
Early morning light slants through the trees
Winter Hike Eno River 1509
Sunset on the lake - 2
Sunset on the lake - 3