Rather rare fly
Orange and smoky
Rare syrphid--detail shot
Rather rare fly
Rather rare fly
Norfolk and Western Durham and Roxboro Lynchburg and Durham Railroad
Norfolk and Western Durham and Roxboro Lynchburg and Durham Railroad
Norfolk and Western Durham and Roxboro Lynchburg and Durham Railroad
hackberry bark and branch
Texaco Visible Gas Pump
Closeup River View Little River Regional Park NC 0016
A Lot of Cars
Piedmont (IR)
sunset over wilderose
Farm, Pond source of the Eno, Winter Hike Eno River 1516
Farm, Pond source of the Eno, Winter Hike Eno River 1508
Farm, Pond source of the Eno, Winter Hike Eno River 1517
Trees Little River Regional Park NC 9864
The Pasture...
Farm, Pond source of the Eno, Winter Hike Eno River 1515
flooded woods
Winter Hike Eno River 1500
hay bails at the end of the field
Cow and goats, Winter Hike Eno River 1514
flooded woods
Azalea Landscaping
Trees Little River Regional Park NC 9875
Trail Little River Regional Park NC 9874
Cow and goats, Winter Hike Eno River 1512
the field from the woods
Hay Confluence Eno River NC 54-28_HDR