View from my lunchspot today...

Still on the search for Trolls ....

Bridal Veil Falls

Good Morning Harrison Lake

When songs of the birds gives way to BZZZZZzzzzing of mosquitoes

Entering Hobbit Country

Forest stream in the fall (please view large)

"Yes, yes," said Gollum .... (please view on black)

Wetlands / Marshlands - wet up to my knees and happy about it ...

Here at last, dear friends ....

Magical Forest

This is where the Trolls are hiding - September

My Precious .... ( Please view on black )

Vertical Panorama

Sometimes I do get to places

Harrison River

Forest Stream - Magic

This is where the Trolls are hiding - December

A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day - Aragorn, The Lord of the Rings

Where the river starts ...

Heaven's Gate

Along a Kitchen Road fenceline...

View from my lunchspot today...

View from my lunchspot today...


View from my lunchspot today...

View from my lunchspot today...

Chilliwack's version of tha Palouse *...

My lunch spot...

View from my lunchspot today...

Agassiz Tulip Festival

Blue Mood

Harrison Hot Springs Marina

4500 ft View

It's OK to Be Different

...sure, but do the Geese actually fly South for the Winter ???

Sunrise over Elk this morning...

[ old orchard road barn ]

Minter Gardens

Misty Mystery
