The Calm After the Storm

View from a Country Road

Aly and Timmy's Wedding was a success!!! Tons of Fun, Rain for Good Luck and Friends Old & New! So glad to celebrate with you! #lovingyouisciminnisi #2016Wedding



Congratulations to Hayley and I Keith!

Georgia Sunset in Early Spring - #springsunset #spring #sunset #nature #season #bloom #sun #sunrays #bowdown #bowdonga #georgia #exploregeorgia #georgiaonmymind #thisismyga #the_home_front #theamericancollective #countryside #country_features #ig_country

Blackjack Mountain

Cecilia Rembert

U.S. Geological Survey, NAWQA (National Water Quality Assessment) Sampling Site, Anna McKee (eDNA sampling), and Jeff Riley (algae sampling), Hillabahatchee Creek, Heard County, Georgia 1

Sweet home Alabama

Long-tailed Duck. Plant Wansley, Heard County, 10 January 2003. Photo by Pierre Howard

Long-tailed Duck. Plant Wansley, Heard County, 10 January 2003. Photo by Pierre Howard

Blackberry Pickin

2010-05-19 14.45.22

2010-05-19 14.45.03

Playing at the store

2010-05-05 19.06.38

Trampoline Fun

Potter's Rhumb

Rolling Pin Cafe

Bowdon's Back