The Duck Pond

Capitol View

Utah Capitol – Long View

"And so I throw the windows wide and call to you across the sky"

winter's embrace

a tight-knit community

first impressions

a bit of this, a bit of that

"Hotaru, koi!"

"We'll get from here to there, eventually."

The Mote of The Brother's Eye

it's the little things that matter

Hold that pose.

Salt Lake City Union Pacific Depot

Early Morning Reflections

UTA 6 | MPI MP36PH-3C | UTA FrontRunner

UTA 4 | MPI MP36PH-3C | UTA FrontRunner

Salt Lake City Lights

Who, me?!

The center of attention

Superior to Twin Peaks

Hideout To Hideout

Fuzzy Dude


Crystals Broken

Wavy With Gravy

Salt Lake City - Utah - Sea Gull Monument - Historic

Red Jello Salad

Turkey Brain & Shoulder Pain

Monuments Hold on Chaos Road

The Smugglers: R, B, B&W

Mt Olympus on a winter day

fruit cluster, smooth sumac, Mt Olympus trail

Sunset At Parley's

Near the top

SLC skyline - explored

Big Cottonwood Canyon

On my way home I remember only good things

Sunsets on Salt Lake City