The Duck Pond

Capitol View

Utah Capitol – Long View

Into The Distance

reality, filtered

Canyon, Creek, Capitol Hill

time slices


southwest facing

the fog lifts

Horizon Palace

"And so I throw the windows wide and call to you across the sky"

winter's embrace

a tight-knit community

it seemed so important at the time

Cove's Comfort Zones

To Never Let Go Of The Stone...

fruit cluster, smooth sumac, Mt Olympus trail

Birds Eye View

variations on a theme

Time study #7

Comfort This Perch

Hideout To Hideout

Olympus, Twins Atop

Fuzzy Dude


Delirious Red

Crystals Broken

Wavy With Gravy

Salt Lake City - Utah - Sea Gull Monument - Historic

a bit of this, a bit of that

DAY 192

Monuments Hold on Chaos Road

Endless Fracture Formative

A Hidden Overhang

The Mote of The Brother's Eye

Originally Earth

Sunset At Parley's

Near the top