Admiralty Head Lighthouse Near Sunset HDR

Cama State Park (8362)

Vermilion Flycatcher (juvenile) (8851) - Rare 8th state record

Olympic Mountains, Fort Casey State Park, Washington, 2014


Joseph Whidbey Seascape

West Point

South Fork of the Skagit River

Exploring the Trails Around Baker Lake

Coupeville Sunrise

Vesper Sparrow (3210) (eBird Rarity)

Admiralty Head Lighthouse

Rock Sandpiper (6037) (eBird Rarity)

Coupeville Wharf

Moulin Rouge

beautiful setting

Calm evening

Admiralty Head Lighthouse

Puget Sound Panorama

Snow Bunting (5167)

Lookout Tower View

sunset on the farm

My Wake Up Call

Swinomish Channel

Coupeville Wharf.

Ducks Silhouette

Coupeville panorama - Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve

north west whidbey

Stillaguamish Valley Sunrise

It's Taken Seven Years

Admiralty Head Lighthouse - Nikon D7000, Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8

Ebey's Landing, Coupeville, San Juan Islands

Conway Church

Skagit Sunset

Coupeville Wharf on Penn Cove

Skagit Highlands-4

When Sunday Morning Woke Up

Lines in Dirt.jpg

Winter Solstice

Fall Color "White"

2011-12-17 Ika Island (D90 Archives) (2048x1024)

Eide Road 2-8-2015-2828