How do I grasp reality when I don't have an identity?

No one knows that’s how it goes, all the thoughts that we transpose.

Week 3.

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Wild Verbena


Assisted Vision.

Moving Forward.

Remos G-3_pan view

oh, the tales it could tell....

where I was

Miss September 1864

Farnsworth House

Silver Springs Lake

Plano Railroad Station

Illinois Farm

White Christmas

something from within

Frozen Tree

Silver Springs Lake

driveway blues

In the thick of it...

Stormy Illinois Evening

Boats (Silver Springs Lake)

Fertile (edit 2)

2011-05-17 18.26.54.jpg

Silver Springs State Park

To the field

Yorkville, IL, Silver Springs State Park, Loon Lake, Fall Landscape

Little Red Bug

Sunset Thru Trees