Remos G-3_pan view

oh, the tales it could tell....

where I was

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

21009 Farnsworth House

Bald Eagle!

Stars and Bars

the homestead

Bald Eagle!

Front doors, viewed from outside

View from porch

Looking south toward Fox River

View north

Looking north from porch

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Miss September 1864

Farnsworth House

Farnsworth House

Silver Springs Lake

Plano Railroad Station

20131027 49 Illinois Railway crossing Fox River

Plano Backyard Sunset

Silver Springs State Park

something from within

Silver Springs Lake

driveway blues

SD2009 Lumen house

Farnsworth House

Boats (Silver Springs Lake)

To the field

2011-05-17 18.26.54.jpg

Fertile (edit 2)

Plano Landscape

20131028 82 Rural Illinois

Yorkville, IL, Silver Springs State Park, Loon Lake, Fall Landscape

20131130 16 near Plano, Illinois

Sunset Thru Trees

20131028 13 Rural Illinois

Wheat 1