The best seat in the house

Long Walks on Short Piers

Almost got it! ~ Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)

the gatekeeper

Quiet Morning

Empty seats at the stadium

Ever Seen the Movie Duel?

park and ride

On the Bay

Mission Peak Regional Park, Fremont, California USA

Dumpster's Point of View

View of our back door. Nice! #superwayaquarium #hayward #fishstore #stararts #mural #seaturtle #regal #underthesea

DreamLand, Coyote Hills

power divides us

Peaceful Day

Moonset Over The Harbor


Rejoicing before the dance performance

White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus) (sp. # 186)

Feelin' Blue #7 - Sultry Skies

Whatever you say, but it's not me you need to convince

Tree in Yellow Field

First image taken with my #iphone5 Fog lifting over the South Bay.

Strolling Rodeo Beach - California

Trieste Canal

The Floor of Death Valley

Shoreline Trail

Baylands Sunrise

Benign Indifference as the World Moves On

My Sunrise Place

Mustard Flowers Field

Memory of March

Mind the Gaps

Something about these hills...remind me of Shrek.

Dumbarton Pier 06.jpg

Don Edwards Preserve, Newark California

Steam and Rust No1

In the middle of grass

Garin 20150227

A foggy night in California

No Name Trail

Garin 20150227