Switzerland, Railway Station Preda, 15-01-2012

20120615_2 Map of the area around Bergün, Switzerland | Click downward arrow for more size options

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 20-05-2009

Switzerland, Landwasser Viaduct, 19-06-2011

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 20-05-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 22-05-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 15-01-2012

Lenzerheide/Valbella (Switzerland)

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 15-01-2012

Switzerland, The Landwasser Viaduct, 18-01-2012

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 20-05-2009

Switzerland, Landwasser Viaduct, 19-06-2011

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur (HDR), 22-05-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 22-05-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 21-05-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Surava, 22-05-2009

Switzerland, Landwasser Viaduct, 19-06-2011

Switzerland, Railway Station Wiesen, 21-05-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 21-05-2009

Switzerland, Landwasser Viaduct, 19-06-2011

Switzerland, Landwasser Viaduct, 19-06-2011

Marmorera Stausee

To the horizon

2014 02 06 Winter Walk in Bivio, Switzerland

Lake of Sufers

Lai da Palpuogna

The river in the mountains

The sound of the snow cannons.

il banc @ Val d'Alvra . Grischun

At the lake

Tra dire e fare....

1.7.2011, Ge 6/6 I 415 RhB

Viamala Schweiz

“The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!”Bill Watterson

Marmorera Stausee / Lai da Marmorera

Doppia verde...a vapore

Albula Alps, Switzerland

Not quite Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau

Lake Marmorera

Doppia al PL