Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 20-05-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 22-05-2009

Arosa landscape IV

Switzerland, Railway Station Reichenau-Tamins, 03-05-2016

Switzerland, The Landwasser Viaduct, 18-01-2012

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 20-05-2009


Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 15-01-2012

Switzerland, Landwasser Viaduct, 19-06-2011

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 22-05-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Chur, 17-06-2011

Switzerland, Railway Station Filisur, 21-05-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Surava, 22-05-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Chur, 17-06-2011

Switzerland, Railway Station Chur, 17-06-2011

Switzerland, Landwasser Viaduct, 19-06-2011

Switzerland, Railway Station Thusis, 20-05-2009

Switzerland, Landwasser Viaduct, 19-06-2011

Autumn window view from the Rhätische Bahn - Tiefencastel - Graubünden - Switzerland

Switzerland, Landwasser Viaduct, 19-06-2011

Switzerland, Railway Station Thusis, 20-05-2009

Arosa landscape IV

Viamala Schweiz

Doppia al PL

Icy Mountain

RhB Ge4/4''' 650

Lenzerheide/Valbella (Switzerland)

1997-02, RhB, Langwies


Calanda 2'806 m ü. M.

Autumn window view from the Rhätische Bahn - Filisur - Graubünden - Switzerland

Winter Shadows

Solis Stausee


Ge 4/4 III 652 mit RE 1133

Special glowing sunset

GEX 902

Blick vom Weisshorn Richtung Westen

“The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!”Bill Watterson

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