Kind of blue

the bench with no view

20130729_2 Roedeer (Capreolus capreolus) | Switzerland

Mystic Crestasee

Good Morning Crestasee

20120613_01 Hiking map in 2 pieces | Kind of near Chur, Switzerland

Blick vom Cassonsgrat

Timo checking out the view from #cassons #films #switzerland #mountain

Blick vom Cassonsgrat

therme vals - view from pool on foggy morning

20130728_02 ''Runka'' is Swedish for ''jerk off''. *GIGGLESNORTZ* | Flims, Switzerland

20130728_06 Sleeping lil cow near Naraus, Switzerland

therme vals - me struggling to find entrance

Last Capture of Cresta-See

Cresta-See am Morgen

The way home from the lake Cresta-See

Il Spir


Towards the end ...

Ruinaulta Tunnel Spitg I

RhB Ge4/4' 602

yes, I found some orchids here

Caumasee - Lag la Cauma

Bargis mountain valley . Switzerland

Lag da Pigniu

Und sie mahlen bis in alle Ewigkeit!

la senda @ Plaunca Dira

The Bargis mountain valley

isla @ rein anteriur

swiss grand canyon

Der Herbst ist da

Crap da Flem (Flimserstein)

Rheinschlucht / Ruinaulta

Alp Mora glacier mills


The sentinels of the glacier