Rheinfall Schaffhausen 1_web

Castle ghost

Rheinfall Blue Hour

Country life yesterday and today

Farms on the lake Husemer

Over the Rheinfall

Stein am Rhein

The view from Switzerland's castle Munot in Schaffhausen on the river Rhine was key in passed centuries to prepare for collecting toll fees and unloading boats before the impassable Rhinefall!

Hegau von oben

View on the Roman watch tower which existed even before Switzerland, the castle Munot and the vineyard was created!

View on the medieval city of Schaffhausen in Switzerland from Christmas shopping and about a week before the late arrival of winter for the new year!

view over Schaffhausen

Stein am Rhein another view

View on Rhinefall which describes best how Switzerland hopefully will be playing in the world cup match against France who is not likely to expect it like Spain today!

Das Fenster | Böhringen

I will find a way to see you again...

Singen am Hohentwiel

Der Rheinfall

Perfect momentum

The Rhine Falls, Switzerland

mighty water

Les chutes du Rhin (Rheinfall)

An einem Sonntagabend

Hohentwiel kl HDR

Abendstimmung im Hegau

Picture I took from castle Laufen on Switzerland's Rhine Falls which is my most favorite waterfall in the world!

Rheinfall reminds of Margaret Atwood that “Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end

the long way .....

sightseeing @ rhine falls

iN tHe wOodS

Rhine Falls, Schaffhausen



Im Buchenwald

Rhine Falls, Schaffhausen

Der Mägdeberg

Hold your heart, oh traveller, tightly in mighty hands! Mine nearly descended, shivering with pleasure. Restless thundering masses thrown upon masses, ear and eye, whither can they save themselves in such an uproar? I agree with Eduard Mörike!

Landscape in Switzerland (Where are the mountains?)

Rhine Falls

Stein am Rhein / Штайн-на-Рейне

S16 19676 @ Rheinfall