???? So what y'all think about the tape?...........I think Lil Bruh got the hardest tape out and ain't just saying that cuz that's Lil Bruh. The numbers are saying it too. Fuck the views, Bruh got 10k Downloads in 24hrs. And read the comments TKWGO:smil

A View to the Crossroads

another view of that arts-and-crafts style house

This is my view right now. I want to get up & fix something to eat, but he looks so comfortable. I hate to disturb him.

left view

No Title

No Title



Raymond Battlefield




A Walk In The Park

Tonight's sunset. It doesn't look near as pretty in this picture as it actually was.

Texas Monument at 14 Mile Creek

This picture doesn't do tonight's beautiful sunset justice.

Storm Ahead

The Crossroads Today

Peaceful resting place

Cowles Mead Cemetery

Hickory Loop Trail

wild iris, detail

Post Oak

wild irises

Grapevine Loop Trail