Over the Bridge in Newton Falls

Aerial view of Warren G. Harding High School, circa 1935

Village Cafe, Warren, Ohio, circa 1960s-1970s

Village Cafe, East Market St., circa 1940s-1950s

The Second Trumbull County Courthouse on fire, Warren, Ohio, 1895

Warren Hotel (as Colonial Hotel), Warren, Ohio, circa 1920


Not a stern warning! A sweet, gently playful warning.

Summer View

Panoramic post card view of Park Avenue, Warren Ohio, circa 1910's

Empty Tracks

Warren, Ohio, Market Street, 1910's

Panoramic post card view of High Street, Warren Ohio, circa 1910's

South Street, Warren, Ohio 1963

DeForest Junction

CSX Newton Falls Branch

My view tonight

Looking West down East Market Street from Pine. circa 1952

The Reed family's typical "early departure," December 1963

View from over South Street looking towards Courthouse Square, circa 1910's

A snowy day on West Market Street, circa early 1960's

Day spent at the beach just chilling listening to music.

Dawn at West Branch

Craft project at the kitchen table, 1954

Sunset over lake following a beautiful day #sunsets #beachlife #vacation #stateparks

Sunset over lake following a beautiful day #sunsets #beachlife #vacation #stateparks

Sunset over lake following a beautiful day #sunsets #beachlife #vacation #stateparks

Day spent at the beach just chilling listening to music.

West Branch State Park

Waterfall at Nelson ledges state park

Day spent at the beach just chilling listening to music.

Nelsons Sky

Cascade Falls - Nelson & Kennedy Ledges State Park.

Hidden Treasure

A walk at the beach

Minnehaha Falls

Nelson-Kennedy Ledges (Cascade Falls)

Cobra Kai on track


Sunset over lake following a beautiful day #sunsets #beachlife #vacation #stateparks

Nelson-Kennedy Ledges

This Ohio sky