Feldberg View

"It's strange to wander in the fog ..."

The Red House (HDR)

Schauinsland - Kite Spot - Drachenflugplatz

take a seat!

Bad Hair Day

laughing teen girls

la nave va

Freiburg - Street lantern with view to the Freiburg Muenster Cathedral

ground fog

in a little while

beautiful forest solitude - "Waldeinsamkeit"

fogged clarity

Schauinslandbahn - Schwarzwald

Paragliding (Ready to Start)

Portrait of a gentleman

final golden autumn day?

University Library

An early rise

White Blackforest

raised eyebrows

Snow-Covered Tree

Winter Landscape

Hänger bei Ehrenkirchen

The fog is coming...

Bad Krozingen - sunrise

2 Tree´s & 2 Way´s

height difference: 1000 meters - lost in reverie

Enchanted Tree

Weideschweine / pasture pigs

Summer Hills

Sunwhisper @ Vineyard´s

Lake Sunset

on approach


Morgenstimmung bei Ehrenkirchen

Shade of the Cloud

Rainy Season

heralds of winter

CNL 473 Aurora @ Kollmarsreute

Christmas Walk