Green Click Beetle - Nitidolimonius resplendens (Elateridae, Dendrometrinae, Prosternini) 119z-6300548

Cream-spotted Lady Beetle - Calvia quatuordecimguttata (Coccinellidae, Coccinellinae, Coccinellini) 118z-7287215

Heart of Rundle Park; Edmonton, AB (Image 6)

Heart of Rundle Park; Edmonton, AB (Image 4)

Birch Lace Bug - Corythucha pallipes (Tingidae, Tinginae, Tingini) 116v-21507

Heart of Rundle Park; Edmonton, AB (Image 2)

Big-headed Fly - Eudorylas sp. (Pipunculidae, Pipunculinae) 111p-6864

Heart of Rundle Park; Edmonton, AB (Image 5)

Heart of Rundle Park; Edmonton, AB (Image 3)

CN 2517

A David Suzuki Nightmare

Vue de l'autobus / View from the bus

Pair of Northern Flickers

Another View

Petro-Canada Silhouette

Pussy willows

Downy on Yarrow

View through the Rock

Eurasian Wigeon in central Alberta

Petro Canada Flare

Petro Canada Flare

Sunridge is closed for today...

First Snow

Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes (Scolopacidae) 118v-27312

Strathcona Barn

Common Alpine - Erebia epipsodea (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) 105d-0898

A Winter Scene

grassscape trumps cityscape

Aurora Driveway

White-tailed Jackrabbit - Lepus townsendii (Leporidae) 108h-6977

Take Note: There's Still a Hole in Your Heart

Woodbridge, Sherwood Park

After the Storm

Autumn Dreamscape (Image 2)

Rundle Park

Faraway Edmonton

Falling barn

Champ de rêve / Field of Dreams

Peck's Skipper - Polites peckius (Hesperiidae, Hesperiinae) 114v-6202

Just a Barn

Le 31 décembre

Champ de blé / Wheat field